Choose Us
Berean Academy is an accredited, public charter school in Sierra Vista, Arizona. Since 2002, we have developed a collaborative academic community focused on scholar learning and achievement. Our high expectations and commitment to character education provide every scholar with the essential tools needed to succeed.
We call ourselves Berean in reference to the ancient people described as “honorable truth-seekers.” That is our hope for the young scholars in our care—that each would become seekers of truth and life-long learners.
Our Purpose
To accomplish our goal of protecting, enriching, and preparing scholars for life, we are a Professional Learning Community school. Our highly-qualified staff work together collecting and analyzing data on student achievement and researching optimal teaching strategies so that we can better serve our students. We believe that the key to improved scholar learning is our own commitment to life-long learning.
We also believe character development to be one of the most important and pressing issues education faces today. Most problems in the classroom can be traced back to a lack of character. Bullying, disrespect, cheating, tardiness, vandalism, profanity, and drug abuse all hinder child development, student achievement, and school safety. That is why we’ve adopted the Character First Education program and use the discipline principles of Love and Logic to highlight each scholar’s personal responsibility and help them develop the skills for good decision making.
Opportunities for Learning
We proudly offer a challenging academic curriculum supplemented with a variety of extracurricular programs and services that enhance the learning experience. Scholars have the opportunity to participate in activities such as athletics and fine arts, while every teacher provides tutoring opportunities during Friday School.
After-School Care
Our after-school program offers additional learning opportunities for our elementary scholars while providing parents with a nurturing environment to keep their children safe and busy after school. Our activities enrich the mind, body, and spirit while developing social, gross, and fine motor skills.